Vitra: Star Girard ornament - ecraft_0 | Luisa Via Roma

VitraStar Girard ornament

₩ 22,330
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  • LVRSustainable

상품 설명

  • 상품 코드:78I-VRP028
  • 세로: 10cm 길이: 8.1cm
  • Designed by Alexander Girard, 1965
  • Metal with brass-effect finish
  • 소재: 메탈 (금속)

에디터 노트

Along with his colleagues Charles and Ray Eames and George Nelson, Alexander Girard was one of the leading figures in American design during the post-war era. While textile design was the primary focus of Girard's oeuvre, he was also admired for his work in the areas of furniture design, graphics, exhibitions and interior architecture. Girard brought a sensuous playfulness to twentieth-century design that had been absent from the austere...더 보기


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