Going with the Current - 1

I classici intramontabili?
La perfetta camicia bianca, l’abito sartoriale, gli stivali…
Una polaroid dimenticata in un libro. Uno scatto eterno. Un estraneo a proprio agio e di classe. La moda uomo per la primavera si ispira al mare e allo stile dei pescatori, unendo la funzionalità all’eleganza per rivisitare al meglio i grandi classici.

Going with the Current - 2
Going with the Current - 3
Going with the Current - 4
Going with the Current - 6
Going with the Current - 5
Going with the Current - 7
Going with the Current - 8
Going with the Current - 9
Going with the Current - 10
Going with the Current - 11
Going with the Current - 12
Going with the Current - 13
Going with the Current - 14
Going with the Current - 15
Going with the Current - 16

Text: LVR Editors
Product Selection: LVR Stylists
Photographer: Teresa Ciocia
Model: Han Vanwijnsberghe @elite

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