Icon slippers
kr 3645
We love women’s house slippers. Embellished with beads and metallic accents, these shoes are designed specifically for staying home and showing off even indoors. From the classics designed with natural and synthetic fibers to the most luxurious lined with faux fur, women’s house shoes are the perfect choice for an always spot-on look, inside and outside the home.
kr 3645
kr 855
kr 818
kr 855
kr 855
kr 930
kr 930
kr 1079
kr 930
kr 461
kr 855
kr 818
kr 855
kr 1674
kr 1004
kr 268
kr 669
kr 669
kr 818-30%kr 573
kr 2901-30%kr 2031
kr 2901-30%kr 2031
kr 744
kr 2083
kr 744
kr 744
kr 2782
kr 1994
kr 3236
kr 2633-30%kr 1843
kr 3236-35%kr 2103
kr 3236-35%kr 2103
kr 2559
kr 759
kr 930
kr 1391
kr 1205
kr 2410
kr 2410
kr 2708
kr 2559
kr 2559
kr 1510
kr 2410
kr 1465
kr 1465