LuisaViaRoma的独家限量版书籍《LuisaViaRoma – Window to a Future Fashion World》由Rizzoli New York出版社出版,书中引用了一系列引人入胜的图片,Cesare M. Cunaccia以动人的文字讲述着LuisaViaRoma背后的浪漫故事。作者陪伴读者一起走过公司的风雨历程,见证它如何从最初位于Via Roma的一家小小的帽子店成长为奢华时尚行业数一数二的国际潮流风向标。


LuisaViaRoma – Window to a Future Fashion World - drone_1


著名嘉宾包括: Natasha Poly,  Lena Perminova, Cindy Bruna, Nathalie Emmanuel, Bojana Krsmanovic, Giulia Maenza, Xiayan Guo, Hana Cross, Iris Law, Alessandra Mastronardi, Chiara Scelsi, Stefanie Giesinger, Marcus Butler, Leonie Hanne, Jaime Xie, Frida Aasen, Sofia Resing, and Valentina Sampaio

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特别鸣谢 Rizzoli 和 Treedom
摄影师: Lucas Possiede

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