



Woman sitting in a lounge chair by the pool with red bikini, white linen pants, sunglasses and moccasins.


Woman wearing white bikini with denim shorts and stripped button up shirt.
Woman wearing sheer black flowy dress with sunglasses and a raffia bucket bag.



Woman wearing sunglasses with a stripped button up shirt and Bottega Veneta bag on the left and on the right woman sitting in a lounge chair with a floral summer dress.
Woman wearing a yellow blouse with an olive green skirt with beads and a mini yellow bag and tong sandals.
Woman standing in an olive tree field with cropped wavy top an high waist white linen shorts.
Woman by the pool in a black one piece swimsuit and a turquoise and shell necklaces.
Woman in the Reina Olga x LVR pink bikini set by the pool.
Woman on the left in a black one piece bathing suit with a pink baseball cap. Woman on the right with pink oversized blazer, brown one piece, baggy light blue jeans and tong sandals.
Woman standing by olive tree and cacti with a black cropped top, white pants and sandals.
Woman on the left standing by large cactus with flowy white and blue dress with beige sandals. Woman on the right wearing cream shorts and a polo with black sunglasses and a dark green blazer.


摄影 Kulesza & Pik @kulesza_pik @2bmanagement
时尚总监 Giuditta Goffredo @giudittagoffredo
造型师 Flaminia Mineo @minimineoo
数码操作员 Jakub Marciniak @kubamarciniak
摄影助理 Andrea Friuli @andrea.friuli
模特 Blanca Padilla @blancapadilla @nextmodels
选角导演 SimoBart Casting @simobartcasting
妆发 Astor Hoxha @astorhoxha @blendmanagement
视频 Asia Maria Sbrugnera @asiamariasbrugnera
场地 Masseria Moroseta @masseriamoroseta




IP-0A0050C1 - 2025-01-30T06:03:53.9492342+01:00