



Man on the left wearing cream lightweight knit sweater with white swim shorts and brown sandals. Man on the right in black shirts a grey t-shirt, multi-color graphic button up shirt and black sunglasses.



Man wearing all-white button up shirt and trousers with a light weight jacket and Birkenstock sandals.
Man on the left wearing a black sheer blouse with black trousers. Man on the right wearing a fedora with a white button shirt and light jacket.
Man on the left in a beige t-shirt with a printed button up shirt over with white jeans and sneakers. Man on the right hanging out by the pool in blue swim shorts.
Man on the left wearing a blue knit sweater with a dark polo over it and blue printed swim shorts. Man on the right sitting on the stairs wearing an all-white look paired with Birkenstocks.
Man on the left wearing a blue knit sweater with a dark polo over it and blue printed swim shorts. Man on the right sitting by the pool in navy blue swim shorts.
Man on the left wearing a colorful stripped button up shirt with a red sweater over and blue jeans. Man on the right standing by cactus with a cream knit button up shirt dark washed jeans and sand colored Birkenstocks.


摄影 Kulesza & Pik @kulesza_pik @2bmanagement
时尚总监 Giuditta Goffredo @giudittagoffredo
造型师 Andrea Sangiorgi @andrea_sangiorgi
数码操作员 Jakub Marciniak @kubamarciniak
摄影助理 Andrea Friuli @andrea.friuli
模特 Luca Jamal @luca_jamal @independent_mgmt
选角导演 SimoBart Casting @simobartcasting
妆发 Astor Hoxha @astorhoxha @blendmanagement
视频 Asia Maria Sbrugnera @asiamariasbrugnera
场地 Masseria Moroseta @masseriamoroseta




IP-0A0054CA - 2025-03-13T22:31:46.6170273+01:00