You may or may not have seen him in Italian classics like Amore 14 or Un Fantastico Via Vai, but you certainly will have seen him in the latest Netflix hit Baby. Playing Fiore, the controversial character who dates one of the main characters Ludo, Giuseppe Maggio has sort of taken over the internet, both in Italy and abroad. Despite his character in the series being one of the antagonists, you can’t help but ask more about who the actor behind the role is thanks to his handsome features and how marvelous he is at being vulnerable in front of the camera. At points you ask yourself, ‘Am I supposed to like this character?’ Well yep, you are. A good actor is versatile and knows how to get you to sympathize with the role they are playing, even if it’s a character you’d normally expect to despise. Giuseppe nails the part and his performance has caught the attention of thousands of film makers and fans globally, making him a talent to watch out for.
Recently, we got the opportunity to catch up with the brilliant Italian actor for an exclusive shoot and interview.
Baby will finish after this up-n-coming third season: what have you taken from the entire experience?
It gave me a lot more security. Thanks to Baby, I was able to challenge myself more than ever, playing a character very different from who I am in reality. From the experience, I will also bring with me the relationships that were created on set, with my colleagues and all of those who contributed to the realization of this fantastic project. I am very proud to have been a part of such a well-structured series that engaged so many views worldwide. It will certainly remain as one of the most fundamental steps in my career, as well as my human and artistic journey.
What are you busy working on right now?
Right now I am currently filming a new film in Turin called “Sul più bello“, directed by Alice Filippi and produced by Eagle Pictures. I play a young university student named Arturo who experiences a very special love story. In the cast there are three incredibly talented young actors: Ludovica Francesconi, Gaja Masciale and Jozef Curia. We are a very close team. It is a film that makes you think, laugh and sometimes maybe even dream.
Future projects?
Outside of “Baby 3” and “Sul più beautiful“, I published my first novel with Sperling & Kupfer called “Ricordami di te”, and then the Spanish musical “Explota Explota” that was shot in Spain and will come out in October. There are also other very important projects that I’m involved in both inside Italy and abroad, but at the moment I cannot speak about them.
These days it’s difficult to go without social media and most people are forced to have somewhat of a schedule or plan when it comes to engaging with the public, how do you manage your Instagram profile?
I try to be honest, even at the cost of going against the norm nowadays. There is a lot of talk about self-image, which is why I believe it is essential to fully recognize what means to be in a relationship to oneself. It’s not easy because sometimes you realize that a certain type of content may be more interesting, but if you feel it goes completely against your morals and values, it’s important to also take a step back. These days we need more honesty and less dishonesty.
Going back to Baby: your look and style is a little dark, slightly aggressive. How do you like to dress in your personal life?
I tend to love styles from the ’50s & ’60s. But I also try to changes things up a bit with my style and clothing, also based on whatever characters I’m playing during that time. When I started preparing Fiore, I stopped wearing colors. What you wear very often affects your mood and for us actors, it is a great tool to consider.
What is your favorite garment, the one you buy in all colors or buy every year?
The turtleneck. I really like it both under a jacket and alone. I find it simple yet elegant. It is a garment that I learned to love and appreciate thanks to my mother.
Special thanks to Giuseppe Maggio
Photographer: Raffaele Grosso
Video: Davide Micciulla
Hair & Makeup: Giuseppe Tamburrini
Location: Ripari di Giobbe
Art Direction & Styling: Marco de Lucia @luisaviaroma
Production: Federica Fragnoli @luisaviaroma