Introducing: In Fiore - 1

In Fiore by Julie Elliott is a modern solution using ancient methods in an organic way to blend luxurious products. In Fiore is inspired by centuries-old modalities, tradition, homeopathy and regimens proven to boost complexion and stimulate healing. What sets In Fiore apart is it’s beauty philosophy which calls on ancient medicinal remedies, aromatic benefits, and a psycho-spiritual perspective for skincare and beauty. The brand only uses quality materials and imports certified organic and wild-crafted essential oils, herbs, and floral waters from all over the world. Learn more about Julie Elliott and the brand’s beauty philosophy and products below.

Introducing: In Fiore - 2
Introducing: In Fiore - 3

1.You’re considered a beauty and skin innovator, as well as a shaman. Ingredients seem to speak to you and tell a story. Does each product speak to you in a unique way? Which is your most adored product (either skincare or perfume) ?

Plants are incredibly complex and I approach each one like a character study. And when you know a material at such a level, you see its infinite potential because you understand its soul nature and purpose. Plants are much more than their constituents—they are dynamic. So yes, each product has its own signature or what I call language and speak to one in a unique way.

I tend to be drawn to the Calendula Solution Botanique due to its themes of gold and sunlight, and nourishing warmth processes. It is a resilient plant and therefore builds a lot of character and the inherent ability to protect itself from environmental aggressors. Calendula stimulates healing from the base of a wound and initiates defensive processes.

2. Clean beauty is all the rage and not only are your products good for you but they are produced by botanical masters and herbalists. Can you describe the production process and the importance of it for In Fiore?
I study plant signatures and formulate based on the materia medica, which is why I sought a master herbalist because I couldn’t work with a conventional cosmetic manufacturer. To have full control over the potency of our materials and create a product with consistent quality, it is essential to craft our botanical extracts in-house. Our producer makes plant medicine for the top universities of alternative medicines. His botanical masterwork has been vetted by PhD chemists and are considered some of the most potent in the world. And so I taught him how to craft my formulations. Together we analyze the most minute details of a plant’s process or signature to create a synergistic whole. It is a process of allowing, with as little interference as possible — the more intact the material, the more coherence, which is essential to the efficacy of our products.

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3. The sense of smell is known to bring back memories and transport people to different places and times. What inspired you to create perfumes and which are some of your favorite scents? What memories do they carry for you?
For me, scent is more about connecting with spirit and initiating healing via the skin. The skin is a perceiving organ, and anything perceived is taken in and digested in thought and bound to nerve functions. In Fiore fragrances reflect plants bioenergetic and psychospiritual fingerprints. They act as a mirror to attune, expand, and to provide a vehicle for self-exploration. So for example, Night Queen has an affinity for the seventh or crown chakra—the abode of expanded awareness. It corresponds to the pineal gland (light organism) and represents the gateway to pure intelligence. Night Queen helps quiet the conscious mind and allow greater access to the intuitive processes.

4. What are the healing properties that can be attained by using In Fiore?

Our products perform on multiple levels. They are mostly anhydrous, meaning oil-based.Oils represent warmth, and warmth is essential for healing and integration—they serve the metabolic processes by building up substances to support healthy regeneration. They also replenish the lipid barrier and restore skin function. And, our formulations are fortified with building blocks derived from minerals and plants, which support structure and form.

In Fiore, products intend to encourage daily p

ractice, to act as a bridge to yourself, to harness healing through scent by moving through emotional stuckness, and above all encourage personal responsibility for your wellness.


Introducing: In Fiore - 5

5. Is the theme of holistic beauty credited to the fact that In Fiore is made in Japan? Would you say that Japan’s traditions have been a big inspiration for your products and philosophy?
I credit Japan in only one aspect, and that would be cleansing rituals. The bathing culture of Japan has been a profound source of inspiration for me. They have a wonderful mastery of water and place a strong emphasis on the process of proper cleansing, bathing, and hygiene, and less about the products. For example, they do not subscribe to the use of a lot of products such as 10-12 steps like they do in Korea. Instead, the customer in Japan like a lot of direction because they believe if you do not follow process, a said system or product will have no efficacy. This is extreme compared to the U.S. Otherwise; there is no definite history of holistic or homeopathic practices in Japanese culture outside of what is called Kampo—a traditional Japanese therapeutic system, which is derived from Chinese medicine.

6. What new products are you looking to launch into?
I’m interested in traditional homeopathy and various modalities and considering ways to liberate them by bringing them into the needs of today. That said, I am exploring more of the lesser-known or forgotten practices to see how they could be modernized and integrated into our brand. And of course, this will lead me to yet another master teacher.

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Text: LVR Editors
Product Selection & Styling: LVR Senior Stylists Martina Finazzi, Giuditta Goffredo
LVR Junior Stylist: Camilla Rumi
Photographer: Davide Carlà
A special thanks to Julie Elliott

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