Being a mother is a full-time job. One that is often rewarding and beautiful, but certainly not easy. Precisely for these reasons, a mother’s love is unlike any other, and this Mother’s Day we want to celebrate and commend mothers all over the world for their tireless work, unwavering love, and steadfast dedication.
We’ve spoken to women who inspire us and listened as they share their journeys of motherhood and how they simultaneously juggle life’s many other responsibilities. Together we discussed their roles as mothers and daughters and talked about their thoughts, aspirations, roles as women, ideas about fashion, and more. This spring, we hope to inspire our readers as we show our appreciation for moms worldwide and wish you a Happy Mother’s Day!
Mandy Madden Kelley
What is the most rewarding part of motherhood?
I feel the most rewarding part of motherhood is seeing everything for the first time through my daughter’s eyes. It is so beautiful and pure. Something I can never relive again, but get to through her.
What is the best advice your mother has given you that you will pass on to your own children?
The best gift my mother gave me has been to love myself, fully, from the inside out. Teaching me my worth, and to not compare myself, for lack of better words.
What’s the most important piece of advice you would give to future mothers?
Nothing prepares you for the selflessness you acquire as soon as you become a mother.
It is not about me anymore, it’s about my daughter, and raising her to view the world as beautiful and to show her that she has a place in it.
What is the biggest misconception about motherhood?
I think the biggest misconception is that you have to be perfect and get it right when in all
In reality we are all just doing our best.
What is your n. 1 tip for women like you who must balance motherhood with other important life commitments?
Make time, no matter what you have to do, carve out time for family. Unplug, be present, make memories, because those things count and matter down the line.
What does Women’s Empowerment mean to you, and how do you think women can be supportive of one another?
Women empowerment to me is confidence. The ability to know our worth carries such great power, and I wish more women viewed the space they hold as sacred. And when it comes to supporting one another, we could use more compliments, less comparing, more rooting for one another, and less judgment; a supportive community is what creates success.
Has your style changed since becoming a mother?
Naturally. I think this also comes with age as well. My style has morphed into a more modest lane, but my style and essence still remain.
What are your favorite styling tips for busy mothers?
Comfort! A lot of women think that this means fashionable pieces don't exist when you say the word “comfort”, but that’s just not true. There are so many amazing brands out there that are changing the fashion industry by creating amazing designs that are flattering, chic, and simple. – Because on the go mums still want to look good!
How will you celebrate Mother’s Day 2022?
I imagine I will be relaxing with my husband and daughter, maybe grab a bite to eat somewhere, and go to the park. But who knows….they just may surprise me?
What’s your favorite thing to do with your daughter?
I love when we share intimate moments at home with one another and do a “spa day” at home, it’s really beautiful to share those self-care rituals with my little peanut.
How do you pamper yourself when you get some alone time?
I like to unplug, relax and be out in nature if I can & of course, I make time to care for my body by giving it all the love it needs with all of my favorite skincare products.

Nothing prepares you for the selflessness you acquire as soon as you become a mother.

Monikh Dale
Fashion Stylist
What is the most rewarding part of motherhood?
When she smiles at me and puts her hands on my face – just the most incredible feeling.
What’s the most important piece of advice you would give to future mothers?
So many people gave me such incredible advice, but the one that stuck was to do what I wanted. I know my baby the best, I know what she needs, and I know how our lives work. Trust your instincts.
What is the biggest misconception about motherhood?
That your life completely changes because of the difficulties – yes my life is completely different, for me she is now the reason why I’m here, and that brings a lot of emotion and stress and happiness – all things I lightly prepared myself for. People rarely take on this journey thinking it will be easy, so try to zone out those ‘oooh say goodbye to your sleep’ comments. Yes the sleep is less, but the joy is overwhelmingly intense.
What is your n. 1 tip for women like you who must balance motherhood with other important life commitments?
You can do it, just take it slow and work out what works best for you and your baby. I made a few mistakes by taking on too much at the beginning, but that helped to confirm my boundaries and what I’m comfortable with.
Do you have any traditions with your kids?
Currently making them.
Has your style changed since becoming a mother?
Apart from needing to consider breastfeeding ease, my style is the same. I always dressed for comfort. Simple, classic forever pieces.
What are your favorite styling tips for busy mothers?
Be realistic about your lifestyle and needs. You may love certain trends and styles but your wardrobe has to work for you.
Any Holy Grail fashion or beauty items you recommend investing in?
The staples; a good coat, jacket, white dress, pair of jeans, bag to throw everything in and statement flats.
How do you pamper yourself when you get some alone time?
When she smiles at me and puts her hands on my face – just the most incredible feeling.

Minerva Portillo
Fashion Stylist, Creative Director, Model
What is the most rewarding part of motherhood?
Motherhood is the most beautiful gift in life for me . The most rewarding part is to see the wonderful human my daughter is becoming, full of love and respect.
What was the hardest part for you about becoming a mother ?
Not being able to prevent my daughter from failing is a law of life for learning but I would love, like most mothers, to keep her inside my womb so that nothing and no one can hurt her.
What’s the most important piece of advice you would give to future mothers ?
Love and time is all our children need to grow up healthy and safe .
What does women’s empowerment mean to you and how do you think women can be supportive of one another?
The greatest power is to empower other women by supporting each other without judging and without rivalry that separates us .
What is the biggest misconception about motherhood?
That a mother must feel guilty for dealing with work while raising children. We do it all for them and their future, to lead by example, show perseverance and discipline. We have to start letting go of all that negative feeling.
How will you celebrate Mother’s Day 2022?
I don’t know where and I don’t really care. As long as it will be with my family: my husband , my daughter and my dog Elvis, my heart overflows with the most immense love.

Love and time is all our children need to grow up healthy and safe.

Camille Co
What is the most rewarding part of motherhood?
The most rewarding part of motherhood is love. I didn’t think I could have this much love in me until I became a mom. I thought I knew what great love is but nothing can truly compare to the love I feel for my child.
What is the best advice your mother has given you that you will pass on to your own children?
Always be respectful.
What’s the most important piece of advice you would give to future mothers?
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Know that you are enough.
What is the biggest misconception about motherhood?
That motherhood should come naturally when in reality, it’s a learning process. It’s normal to doubt yourself in the beginning and feel confused and overwhelmed. Having a baby is a major life change. You’re not supposed to have it all figured out overnight, and it’s okay. You’ll find your groove too and so will your baby.
What is your n. 1 tip for women like you who must balance motherhood with other important life commitments?
I know guilt can easily creep in when you feel like you’re taking time away from caring for your baby in order to work on your goals / career. When this happens, my tip is to remember who you were before your child came into your life. You shouldn’t forget her.
Remember, the best mom is a happy mom. You have so much more love to give when you’re at your best and you feel your best.
Don’t be scared to ask for help too. It truly takes a village.
What does Women’s Empowerment mean to you, and how do you think women can be supportive of one another?
Women empowerment is taking up space and owning that space while remembering there’s room for everyone because women can and should be supportive of one another. We’re stronger when we lift each other up.
Do you have any traditions with your kids?
None yet because my baby just turned one. But I’m excited to make traditions with her as she grows older.
Has your style changed since becoming a mother?
No. Still the same old me when it comes to my style.
What are your favorite styling tips for busy mothers?
Invest in sets so you don’t have to think about how to match your clothes; dresses so you can just wear them and go; and blazers so you can easily elevate even the most casual of outfits.
Any Holy Grail fashion or beauty items you recommend investing in?
My mom always tells me you can never go wrong with investing in real gold jewelry.
How will you celebrate Mother’s Day 2022?
I have no plans yet but for sure, it’ll be with my family.
What was the hardest part for you about becoming a mother?
The initial stage was the hardest part for me. Society paints such a different picture of motherhood with such high expectations, it’s easy to feel like a disappointment and a huge failure as a new mom. Taking care of a newborn as a first time mom is so overwhelming. It makes you doubt yourself. Am I a bad mom? What am I doing wrong? Why can’t I understand my baby? Why don’t I magically know what to do?
I didn’t know how to manage my expectations. I didn’t give myself time to learn and to adjust to my baby and for my baby to adjust to me and her new world.
What’s your favorite thing to do with your kids?
Just spending quality time with my girl without any distractions. Phones down. Laptops off.
How do you pamper yourself when you get some alone time?
I got a massage. I don’t know why but ever since becoming a mom, my body feels perpetually tired. Getting a massage at the end of the day feels like the best luxury ever!
Women empowerment is taking up space and owning that space while remembering there’s room for everyone.

Anne-Laure Mais
What’s the most important piece of advice you would give to future mothers?
To not feel guilty about anything, as moms we are doing our best and that’s what matters.
What is the biggest misconception about motherhood?
That it’s not easy ! There is fatigue, fear, doubts… And even if love is unconditional, it’s not all rosy.
Has your style changed since becoming a mother?
A little bit, I think.. But in a good way ! I feel like my role makes me stronger and more accomplished as a woman and it influences my style which I find more elegant now perhaps?
How will you celebrate Mother’s Day 2022?
I am not sure yet, maybe I will organize a date, just me and my daughter, without my husband.
What was the hardest part for you about becoming a mother?
To deal with this new vulnerability feeling. If anything happens to my daughter, I will become an empty person.
What’s your favorite thing to do with your kids?
I love to play with her.

I feel like my role makes me stronger and more accomplished as a woman.

Aneka Aitimova
Stylist, Fashion Influencer
What is the most rewarding part of motherhood?
At some point realize that you are not only a mother but also a friend for your child. I sincerely believe the best thing you can do for your child is to become their best friend.
What’s the most important piece of advice you would give to future mothers?
Save your baby’s first photo during the first ultrasound. Just because it’s touching. But seriously, don’t neglect your sleep. The first months of motherhood are a lack of sleep. Get enough sleep whenever possible. Also take your time management seriously. Now you are a mother and time goes completely differently.
What is the biggest misconception about motherhood?
Motherhood is not only beautiful family photos, where everyone smiles sweetly. This is primarily a responsibility for your kids. And you have to be prepared for this responsibility.
What is your n. 1 tip for women like you who must balance motherhood with other important life commitments?
To maintain a balance between motherhood and other important commitments, my n.1 tip – give yourself the opportunity to relax. At least once a week, arrange a good rest for yourself in order to be filled with resources and be able to share them.
Has your style changed since becoming a mother?
Of course. Since becoming a mother I prefer more comfortable outfits. Especially in the early years of motherhood. However, I try to be true to my style, which totally reflects me.
What are your favorite styling tips for busy mothers?
Build your capsule wardrobe for your actual life, rather than your ideal life. You should be able to reach into your capsule wardrobe without looking and pull out something perfect for your day. It’s that simple.
How will you celebrate Mother’s Day 2022?
We are planning to have a family picnic by the ocean. That’s what gives us power. We usually cook something special, make family photo shoots and just enjoy each other.
What was the hardest part for you about becoming a mother?
Time management. I really had to do a lot of work to manage to balance motherhood with other important life commitments. That part was hard for me.
What’s your favorite thing to do with your kids?
Watch family movies together. There is nothing better than getting together on the couch on the day off, picking up popcorn and watching funny movies.
How do you pamper yourself when you get some alone time?
I love this time. I usually have a spa day, listen to music, read a book, meditate, go to the gym etc. At such moments the head is cleared, thoughts are structured and you are back in balance!
Motherhood is not only beautiful family photos, where everyone smiles sweetly. This is primarily a responsibility for your kids.

Kerina Hsueh
What is the most rewarding part of motherhood?
The sense of achievement you get as you watch your children grow is what gives meaning to being a mother.
What is the best advice your mother has given you that you will pass on to your own children?
My mother’s dedication, care and support—I hope to pass these qualities on to my own children.
What’s the most important piece of advice you would give to future mothers?
I think there is no absolute right or wrong in taking care of a child, especially for first-time mothers. The ways others decide to parent their children will not necessarily be suitable for your own kids. It’s important to remember not to put yourself under too much pressure. Instead of trying to imitate what other moms do, follow your instincts and do what you think is best for your child according to your ability.
What is the biggest misconception about motherhood?
I used to think a mother should know everything and be able to do everything. But after giving birth to my children and becoming a mother, I realized that everyone goes through being a new parent for the first time—it’s all about learning by doing. In retrospect, I had many misconceptions about the role a mother should have.
What is your n. 1 tip for women like you who must balance motherhood with other important life commitments?
Taking on the role of motherhood has not overwhelmed my whole life, it is now part of my many responsibilities. When you have other commitments outside the family, communicating is very important, to make a trade-off that is fair for all parties. I do my best when I’m with my children, and when I’m out at work, I focus on my job and leave the kids with family members, the babysitter etc. I think when I switch roles mentally, I can face my commitments rationally.
What does Women’s Empowerment mean to you, and how do you think women can be supportive of one another?
Being a modern woman is a very positive experience, we have the space to express our opinions. In this era, I don’t feel that men and women are different, and there is no difference in what should be done respectively. Women can understand each other’s difficulties, so they help each other when needed. For example, our company’s employees can bring their children to work with them when their family members or babysitters are on leave. Because I truly want to help women in our company balance work and family life.
Do you have any traditions with your kids?
My children are still very young, so we don’t have special traditions, because I’m not very traditional. If I had to come up with something, maybe a close relationship with elder family members. As I have a good relationship with my parents and family, I hope my children can continue to share this affection, and visit their grandmother and relatives often to create a close bond with them from a young age.
Has your style changed since becoming a mother?
There is no particular change in my dressing style. Because I have my own clothing brand, I’m always in touch with the latest fashion trends. I will not change my style or start to dress casually just because I have to take care of my kids.
What are your favorite styling tips for busy mothers?
The style you love is the most important. I did not change my preferences just because I became a mother. But I do choose to wear more comfortable footwear when playing with my children. For example, I love loafers and combat boots, because they are stylish but also suitable for running around with the kids.
Any Holy Grail fashion or beauty items you recommend investing in?
I’m a shoe lover. For this upcoming summer, I’ve been looking for sandals. Women’s sandals from Roger Vivier and Loewe are my first choices. As for beauty items, I usually choose moisturizing and anti-aging products. For aesthetic medicine, I highly recommend Thermage FLX, which really tightens the skin.
How will you celebrate Mother’s Day 2022?
I will have dinner with my family, including my mother and my mother-in-law. If the weather is good, maybe we will go for a picnic and have a walk.
What was the hardest part for you about becoming a mother?
In the process of raising children, there are always many problems that need to be faced and many big decisions to be made. It’s a very important challenge to handle a tense situation calmly and maintain a rational attitude when encountering problems.
What’s your favorite thing to do with your kids?
My children are still very young. They play together well because they are twins, so they are not constantly seeking my attention, though I really enjoy playing with my kids! When we cuddle together I am filled with joy.
How do you pamper yourself when you get some alone time?
I like to relax by watching a TV series or having a drink with my friends.

I don’t feel that men and women are different, and there is no difference in what should be done respectively.