The average person in the workforce works around 8 hours a day, usually between the hours of 9am-5pm. Championed by Robert Owen, the 888 rule states “Eight hours labor. Eight hours recreation. Eight hours rest.” Thus the standard eight hour work day was born.

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That being said, there’s an increasing number of working men and women who are rebelling against the 888 rule. 9-5 jobs aren’t as common as they once were these days as technology has made it easier for people to work remote from home or work on the go. You no longer have to be stuck at your desk cubicle for eight hours straight, only getting up to use the bathroom and hit the water cooler. For example, an architect may be doing office work one minute and then construction work the next.

Today, a typical day can look like this:
7am – wake up, lay in bed contemplating your entire life
7:15am – scroll through your Instagram feed for breakfast inspiration
7:45am – sweat session
9am – breakfast
10am – emails, conference calls
12pm – self-care (pedicure, haircut, acupuncture)
1pm – go into the office for a seminar
2pm – lunch with your boss
3pm – meetings, meetings, meetings
5pm – head to the construction site to check on progress
6pm – conference call from the backseat of your taxi home
7pm – couch time with your dog
8pm – dinner for a coworker’s 30th birthday
9pm – site tour for new nightclub
10pm – Netflix and chill
11pm – much needed sleep

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No matter what industry you work in, things always come up unexpectedly and schedules are constantly changing. Busy frenetic lives don’t need to translate to hectic wardrobes. Multi-tasking dressing can be difficult, but a little planning goes a long way. It is possible to be prepared for any situation, always look flawless, and be comfortable all at the same time. Be ready to work sitting down, standing up, and on the move with these practical yet stylish looks.

Text: LVR Editors
Product Selection: LVR Stylists
Photographer: Domingo Nardulli
Hair: Maurizio Morreale @MH_Artist
Make Up: Guia Bianchi

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