Chiara’s Guide to MFW - Milan-header

Anna Dello Russo’s right-hand woman shares her do’s for Milan Fashion Week.

Fashion Week Survival Tip?
Drink a lot of water and don’t ever forget your power bank.

Which shoes will you be living in this fashion week?
I always keep it really comfy when it comes to fashion week. This season I intend to live in Isabel Marant leopard or zebra booties from the FW16 show.

What pieces will everyone be wearing during fashion week this season?
I think we’ll see a lot of latex and velvet pieces.

What is the key to a killer outfit?
Self confidence.

Which shows are you most looking forward to?
I’m looking forward to seeing the Prada and Gucci show. Unlike many other shows, Prada’s pretty much the only one which surprises me every time. I also love Gucci, not really because I’d like to see something different from the past few seasons, but because I just love the entire fairy atmosphere and the way the clothing and models reflect it so perfectly.

The last song I shazzamed during a show was… “Left to My Own Devices” by Pet Shop Boys, during the Philosophy di Lorenzo Serafini FW16 show.

How is Milan style different from, say Paris, London, New York?
I think the Milanese style pays more attention to tradition and manufacturing, unlike New York and London where the styles are mostly a mix between different countries. Also while Paris style has a classic minimal elegance, Milan’s is more direct and vibrant.

Snapchat or Instagram? Both/Neither and Why?
I would say Instagram. I don’t even use snapchat. I am not a “social” person honestly, I like Instagram because I get to share my memories, places, a part of my life, but I really don’t see the point of Snapchatting.

Milano Fashion week is… a chance to start over new.


Chiara’s Guide to MFW - dry-brera

“I love the “Dry” a bar in Via Solferino, in Brera. It’s the best Moscow Mule I ever tasted and I usually go there with my colleagues after fashion week’s events”

Chiara’s Guide to MFW - pasticceria-marchesi

One of the city’s oldest and finest pastry shops, this Milanese institution was established almost 200 years ago. A true example of tradition triumphing over trend, the Pasticceria Marchesi is a story of classicism guided by the beguiling hand of creativity.

Chiara’s Guide to MFW - ofele-cafe

“Ofelé Caffè in Via Savona, it’s a small warm place I usually go to have tea with a dear friend. It makes the best NY blueberry cheesecake ever”

Special thanks to: Chiara Totire, @chiaratotire

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