Es’Givien for Castitatis Cingulum - 1

LUISAVIAROMA joins with Es’Givien to support Nosotras Onlus in the fight against violence towards women.

Corporate social responsibility meets Made in Italy enterprise for a philanthropic cause. Castitatis Cingulum is a collection of rings created by Es’Givien to support Nosotras Onlus, a Florentine association fighting to stop violence against women worldwide. The initiative is part of Florence for Women, an ongoing series of social responsibility projects with the support of Dario Nardella, Mayor of Florence and the city’s Department of Welfare.

É solo per amore

The Castitatis Cingulum ring features a unique design resembling a “cut” chastity belt and engraved with a powerful message—“è solo per amore”—meaning, “It is only out of love.” The chastity belt, an object and symbol of violence and coercion, is transformed into a window to look beyond. The rings will be available at LUISAVIAROMA online and in store in exclusivity until 30 April 2016. All proceeds will go to Nosotras Onlus in the ongoing fight to stop violence against women.


Three emerging Italian companies that join together to use Made In Italy craftsmanship to support an important cause. These groups recognize the importance of corporate social responsibility to give rise to a philanthropic cause that concrete projects alongside non-profit organizations and associations fighting violence against women.

NOSOTRAS ONLUS is an association of Italian and migrant women active in Florence since 1998. The group carries out projects in health care training and the prevention of female genital mutilation and is active in Tuscany and Africa. The group’s activities go hand-in-hand with the creation of “beautiful and good fashion” which not only raises awareness but offers a contribution to an important cause: putting “Made in Italy” to work against all forms of violence.

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