Dedicated philanthropist Margherita Maccapani Missoni has teamed up with luxury handbag and hat company Cambiaghi for a collection consisting of three hats made of woven straw. Part of the proceeds will be donated to OAfrica, a charity aimed at helping vulnerable children and their families in Ghana, West Africa. Personalized with the creative and irreverent touches that distinguish Margherita’s designs, the collection takes inspiration from the Ashanti population of Ghana with the use of Kante fabric.

Shop the collection now and check out our exclusive interview with Margherita Maccapani Missoni where we discuss her involvement with OAfrica and the future of philanthropy in fashion.

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Margherita Missoni for OAfrica - Margherita-Missoni-for-OAfrica_02
Margherita Missoni for OAfrica - Margherita-Missoni-for-OAfrica_03

What is your earliest fashion memory?
My earliest fashion memories are among my first-ever memories. I went to my first show when I was only 2 weeks old! Playing with scraps of fabrics in the atelier was one of my favorite games as a toddler.

How has your family influenced your philanthropy?
They taught me that you start small, with your neighbor, and then spread it as far as you can reach.

What inspired you to become involved with OAfrica?
Lisa Lovatt Smith, the founder of OAfrica, was a friend of my mother and as soon as I’d heard about the new path she had taken, I left for Ghana to volunteer for a month. That experience hooked me to the organization for life.

When did you first visit Ghana and what was your first impression?
I first visited Ghana in 2003. What had the strongest impact on me was the fact that despite the very different conditions, the people were just as happy as us – or if anything, even happier.

How was the idea for the hat collaboration born?
When I first saw the Bolga hats, I immediately thought that they could become a modern classic and then made the OAfrica connection: it would have been so great to raise money for the charity whilst also supporting the Ghanaian economy. Cambiaghi seemed like the perfect partner to develop this project with.

This collaboration is one example of how fashion can give back. What are some other ways the fashion community can do more to help those less fortunate?
I’m a fan of the charity baby2baby (you buy one, I give one to people in need) and I think that the high street giants should follow their example.

Text: LVR Editors
Production Selection: LVR Stylists
Special thanks to Margherita Maccapani Missoni. This interview has been edited and condensed.

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